On January 22nd, Representative Alcee Hastings [D-FL] introduced a new bill in the U.S. House of Representatives called the National Emergency Centers Act (also known as HR 645).
If Congress passes this bill, the Department of Homeland Security will be REQUIRED to establish national emergency centers (FEMA camps) on closed military bases.
For years, mainstream apologists have tried to deny that the government was putting together a network of FEMA detention camps across the United States. But now the wording of this new law would require that closed military bases be converted into Homeland Security "emergency centers". Just check out this language from the bill: "Wherever possible, the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, shall designate a closed military installation as a site for a national emergency center."
You can see the entire text of this new bill here:
Let's take a look at some of the specific language in this bill.....
"In accordance with the requirements of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall establish not fewer than 6 national emergency centers on military installations."
This law would require that AT LEAST 6 FEMA camps be established on military installations around the United States. But it does not set a maximum. So the number of FEMA camps established under this law could be 6 or it could be 60.
"(4) to meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security."
This language gives the Secretary of Homeland Security the authority to use these FEMA camps for any purpose that he or she wishes. That is a truly sobering thought.
".....capable of meeting for an extended period of time the housing, health, transportation, education, public works, humanitarian and other transition needs of a large number of individuals affected by an emergency or major disaster"
Note that the law would require that these FEMA camps be able to house (or imprison?) large populations for an extended period of time. There camps are not just being set up as command and control centers - they are being designed to hold "a large number of individuals".
".....capable of hosting the infrastructure necessary to rapidly adjust to temporary housing"
Once again we see that these FEMA camps specifically have the purpose of "housing" people.
(c) Location of National Emergency Centers- There shall be established not fewer than one national emergency center in each of the following areas:
(1) The area consisting of Federal Emergency Management Agency Regions I, II, and III.
(2) The area consisting of Federal Emergency Management Agency Region IV.
(3) The area consisting of Federal Emergency Management Agency Regions V and VII.
(4) The area consisting of Federal Emergency Management Agency Region VI.
(5) The area consisting of Federal Emergency Management Agency Regions VIII and X.
(6) The area consisting of Federal Emergency Management Agency Region IX.
Please note that the law REQUIRES that at least one of these FEMA camps be established in specific FEMA regions.
Which FEMA region do YOU live in?
If the Secretaries of Homeland Security and Defense jointly determine that there is not a sufficient number of closed military installations that meet the requirements of subsections (b) and (c), the Secretaries shall jointly designate portions of existing military installations other than closed military installations as national emergency centers.
This part of the bill actually requires the use of an active military base for a FEMA camp if there are not enough closed military bases to do the job.
Where do you think the FEMA camp closest to your house will be established?
Are you ready to go to a "national emergency center" when the government declares martial law?
What will your response be if they come to put you on a train that will take you and your family to one of these camps?
But you know what one of the saddest things is?
The machinery of martial law is being put into place, and the American people are hardly uttering a peep in protest.
1 comment:
I think my family has already lived there before! Back in the Marine Corps days!!!
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